What will our future look like in the next 100 years?

4 min readMar 19, 2021

Future is all about possibilities and we are on a technology driven way!

By Nirzari Maharaja.

When you hear about the future of our world, what is the exact thing that crosses your mind? Will there be another pandemic? Will we be ruled by robots? Will we go on different planets to start a new civilization? Will human extinction take place? Will robots fight wars? There are hundreds of question that jumble in our head when we think about the future especially after the Covid 19.

Well, while the future cannot be predicted with certainty, present understanding in various scientific fields allows for the prediction of some far-future events. For instance, Let’s take it historically! Before thousands of years ago, in human history, we had only a quatre of horsepower combing the strength of our left and right arms. Then gradually when we started domesticating horses, we went from a quatre horsepower to one horsepower. Furthermore, we discovered the steam engine where we were prone to hundreds of horsepower and Now we use thousands of horsepower to rocket into outer space. It is fascinating to see how we have been evolving.

You may have heard of the civilizations of Kardashev. It classifies civilizations according to their energy-grabbing ability, which is likely to assume that we consume the energy of the same amount:

  • I. Planetary civilization: Able to harvest all solar energy arriving at the planet’s surface
  • II. Stellar civilization: Able to harvest all solar energy, that is radiated in all directions from the sun
  • III. Galactic civilization: Able to harvest all energy from the galaxy
  • IV. Universal civilization: Masters of the Universe — able to harvest all energy in the Universe
  • V. Multiversal civilization: Possible knowledge of the Multiverse

Do we control the weather? Do we play with the sun, the volcanoes? We get energy from dead plants, coal and oil therefore we are not even a type 1 civilization. We are about 100 years away from being a Type 1 civilization.

Let’s take an example of the internet. On January 1, 1983, It is the very first type 1 world-wide communication network to be unleashed in this century.

From 1983 to 2021, digital systems such as computers, smartphones, tablets and laptops have evolved. The typewriter was replaced by digital systems such as a computer and word processing software. Telephones have evolved into versions that are portable such as mobile phones and, more recently, smartphones. Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning are on the tip of everyone’s tongue these days. The AI market will grow to a $190 billion industry by 2025 with global spending on cognitive and AI systems reaching over $57 billion in 2021

People talk about the future of intelligent machines, and whether intelligent machines are going to take over and decide what to do for themselves. Will a robot be our boss? Will machines fight wars?

What one has to figure out, while given a goal, how to execute it into something that can meaningfully be automated, the actual inventing of the goal is not something that in some sense has a path to automation.

How do we figure out goals for ourselves? How are goals defined? They tend to be defined for a given human by their personal history, their cultural environment, the history of our civilization. Goals are uniquely human. It’s something that almost doesn’t make any sense. We ask, what’s the goal of our machine? We might have given it a goal when we built the machine.

The thing we have to think about as we think about the future of these things is the goals. That’s what humans contribute, that’s what our civilization contributes — execution of those goals; that’s what we can increasingly automate. We’ve been automating it for thousands of years. We will succeed in having very good automation of those goals.

Computers can’t choose our goals for us. “Goals are a human construct.” Determining our purposes will remain a human activity, beyond the reach of automation. But will it matter? If we are required to formulate our goals in a language a machine can understand, is not the machine determining, or at least circumscribing, our purposes? Can you assume another’s a language without also assuming its system of meaning and its system of being?

Can our development of Technology have a possible future human civilisation? Can we live more minimalistic? Only time will tell, and time cannot be rushed. It is on us; how we set our goals and motives.

But for the present moment, we are already on the path of a new era of technological civilization. And as being one of the best, Tecblic takes the idea of digitalization very conceptually and positively. We help the growing industries and businesses to leverage technology and provide them with tech-solutions driven by AI/ML, Blockchain, IoT and ERP solutions.

Tecblic is all High, Unique and ready to contribute to our future civilization.




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